Hormonstörande ämnen och möjlig påverkan under graviditet

Hormone-disrupting substances and possible impact during pregnancy

Endocrine disruptors are chemicals that can disrupt the body's hormonal balance. They are found in many everyday products that we...

Hudvård under klimakteriet

Skin care during menopause

During menopause, many notice changes on the skin. Then it might be worth reviewing your skin care routine so that...

Huden under graviditet och amning

The skin during pregnancy and breastfeeding

When you become pregnant, the body undergoes a major change and it is affected both externally and internally. This is...

Hudens åldrande - spelar våra bakterier en avgörande roll?

Skin aging - do our bacteria play a decisive role?

Just like everything else on our body, the skin changes as we age . This depend including on that the collagen n levels in the...

Vem väljer din kärlekspartner – du eller ditt hudmikrobiom?

Who chooses your love partner – you or your skin microbiome?

Now in the middle of February, it's Valentine's Day and just in time for this weekend, which for many is...

Vad du inte visste om vitiligo

What you didn't know about vitiligo

Vitiligo is a chronic skin disease characterized by depigmented (white) skin areas on the body. The disease is common and...

7 livsstilsfaktorer som påverkar din hud

7 lifestyle factors that affect your skin

Your skin health largely reflects your lifestyle. Everything you put in your body, from carrots to tobacco smoke, affects your...

Skinome och Gutfeeling labs i gemensam studie

Skinome and Gutfeeling labs in joint study

Many of us know the importance of gut flora to our general health, but the skin microbiome is not as...

Din hudhälsa påverkas av ditt unika universum av mikroorganismer

Your skin health is affected by your unique universe of microorganisms

Most of us know the importance of a balanced intestinal flora for good health. But what about the skin flora,...

Lär känna din hud - Hudens ABC

Get to know your skin - The ABC of the skin

The skin is one of the body's most important organs, in addition to serving as our ultimate defense against the...