Förklimakteriet: Så påverkas din hud och våra bästa tips för att hantera det
Allt om hud

Premenopause: How it affects your skin and our best tips for dealing with it

Pre-menopause, or perimenopause, involves a time of significant hormonal changes that affect the body in several ways – not least the skin. When estrogen levels begin to fluctuate, the skin can lose elasticity, become drier and more sensitive, which can lead to more visible wrinkles, acne and even rosacea. Understanding and adapting your skin care to these changes is essential to maintaining healthy and radiant skin during this transition period.

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Allt om hud
Hudvård under klimakteriet

Skin care during menopause

During menopause, many notice changes on the skin. Then it might be worth reviewing your skin care routine so that...

Lektion 7 - Solskydd

Lesson 7 - Sun protection

Just in time for spring, we are now releasing episode 7 of Skin Care School and this lesson is about...

Allt om hud
Torr och knottrig hud? Rich Body Cream har bevisad effekt i kliniska studier

Dry and bumpy skin? Rich Body Cream has a proven effect in clinical studies

Dry and bumpy skin, also often called "chicken skin", is a common skin condition characterized by patches of bumpy and...

Allt om solskydd
Solskydd viktigt även för mörkare hudtyper

Sun protection important even for darker skin types

Protecting yourself from the sun is important for everyone, regardless of skin type, and also applies to people with melanin-rich/dark...

Sol smoothie

Sun smoothie

A number of studies have shown that a mix of vitamin C and E can have a big impact on...

Allt om solskydd
Skydda din hälsa och hud: Välj solskydd fritt från hormonstörande och fotoinstabila UV-filter

Protect your health and skin: Choose sunscreen free of hormone-disrupting and photo-unstable UV filters

To protect the skin from the sun, so-called UV filters are used in sun protection products. These can either reflect...

Allt om solskydd
Vår solskyddsguide - En djupdykning

Our sun protection guide - A deep dive

The sun's rays can be lovely and many of us love spending time in the sun. In fact, if we...

Allt om solskydd
Ämnen att hålla koll på i solskyddsprodukter

Substances to watch out for in sun protection products

In this table, we present a list of ingredients used in sunscreens, focusing on potentially endocrine-disrupting substances and allergens. We...

Färsk hudvård
3 anledningar att välja färsk hudvård

3 reasons to choose fresh skin care

The skin care of the future is here and this world-unique concept is called fresh skin care . What exactly...

Allt om hud
Huden under premenstruellt syndrom (PMS)

The skin during premenstrual syndrome (PMS)

Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) is a well-known part of many women's monthly cycles, which can include a range of symptoms from...

Färsk hudvård
Vår guide till prebiotika

Our guide to prebiotics

Pre-pro and post-biotics sound so similar but fulfill completely different functions to ensure our skin and gut health. Although "biotics"...

Färsk hudvård
Vår guide till probiotika

Our guide to probiotics

Research on the microbiome has grown in recent decades and reveals that we host trillions of microorganisms in various parts...

Allt om hud
Tips och trick – hur du bäst skyddar dina händer

Tips and tricks - how to best protect your hands

Winter, heat, water, dry air, lots of hand washing, soap and disinfectants. An ordinary day in our life can really...